E3 Leading & Healing Holistically

On this first episode of the “Cafecito con CEO" segment, Anyelis interviews one of her HR Consulting & Leadership Coaching clients - Indhira Santana, the CEO of My Wellness Solutions in Harlem, NY,  which facilitates the pathway to vibrant health through holistic solutions, from detox programs to facials, they transform health from the inside out. At the core of Indhira’s personal why and MWS’s mission is serving the BIPOC community that have been let down and dismissed by traditional healthcare, validating their health concerns and finding solutions that heal in a holistic way to live vibrant lives.  In this episode, Indhira shares the journey of starting by helping her mom launch the first MWS to growing a multi-million dollar business that has served the community for 14yrs.  Instead of focusing on the highlight reel, Anyelis & Indhira authentically discuss how the road to ease isn’t easy and how leaders need to invest in their own development in order to grow in a sustainable way.  

If you’re a service-based business owner, you don’t want to miss the gems in this episode!

Remember, though entrepreneurship can feel lonely and like a constant grind, you don’t have to do it alone. Let’s POP!



- Honoring our cultural values & traditions when it comes to health & wellness

-Importance of building a solid foundation in order to grow your business

-Why hiring and managing people is the most important aspect of a service-based business

-The power of leadership coaching



“I had a client who came to leave me her baston (walker) and said, “I came to give this to you because I don’t need it anymore.” … “Don’t allow yourself to get dismissed by your doctors, listen to your body.” - Indhira

“It’s not easy to get to ease.” - Anyelis

“You’re not a great leader, without a great team.” - Indhira



Ready to grow as a leader? Apply for 1:1 Leadership Coaching; only 3 spots left for the Summer.


Follow My Wellness Solutions on social media:

IG | @mwshealth

Follow Propel On Purpose on social media:

IG | @propelonpurpose

FB | facebook.com/propelonpurpose

LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/propelonpurpose

Follow POP’s Founder, Anyelis Cordero on social media:

IG | @anyeliscordero.mhrm 

LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/anyeliscordero